Wills & Probate

Wills & Probate Solicitors Leicester

Choosing the right solicitor will give you peace of mind

Our Wills Solicitors in Leicester are highly experienced in dealing with all kinds of Wills (including Islamic Wills) and Probate work, ranging from the most straightforward cases with one beneficiary to highly complex cases with multiple beneficiaries.

You need to make a will to ensure your money and property is passed on to the people or loved ones you choose. If you don’t make a will, the intestacy rules apply. These are statutory rules which set out which family members will benefit on your death and in what proportions.

If you have no family members then your assets go to the Crown. The intestacy rules do not recognise unmarried partners as family members (Civil Partners are recognised).

You need to make sure the provisions of your will are completely valid and the will has been properly executed. Instructing solicitors to prepare a will for you will ensure that your beneficiaries do not face any problems after your death.

P A Todd & Company Wills Solicitors in Leicester offer a friendly and sympathetic approach to Wills and Probate. We understand the physical and emotional distress a death can cause to family members so we work hard to ensure all legalities are met, the case is resolved quickly and the assets are distributed in accordance with the particulars of the will.

If you choose to appoint us as your executors, we can ensure the provisions of your will are carried out properly and promptly and cost effectively (costs information available on request).

Probate is the legal process of transferring the deceased’s property, estate and any other personal effects they might have over to the beneficiaries listed in the last will. It can be an extremely distressing time for a loved one to have to carry this out at such a sad time. We have solicitors who specialise in the administration of the deceased’s assets.

Wills & Probate Leicester

How can we help?

  • Preparation of Wills
  • Amendments to existing Wills
  • Storage of Wills & Deeds
  • Trusts Administration and Probate
  • Obtaining Grants of Probate or Letters of Administration
  • Administration or winding up of Estates
  • Lasting Power of Attorney

Let us help you!

We are just a call away to help you in any legar matter that may arise. Our solicitors specialise in specific legal areas, allowing us to ensure that your legal matter is dealt with a specialist solicitor.

Call : 0116 273 3091

enquiries@patodd.co.uk Mon – Fri 09:30-17:30


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We are here to help you regardless of the legal issue!

Let us help you! Call Now : 0116 273 3091

·   Mon – Fri 09:30-17:30